Canadian Pacific


Two of the most thought provoking and imaginative shows at Expo 86 were presented at the Canadian Pacific pavilion.

Firstly, "The Time Wall" was an unusual view of transportation depicted by mannequins with television monitors for heads.  A live-action head would appear on screen when it was time for the respective person to talk.  Each of the ten mannequins represented different age groups, different cultures, different times in history and interacted with each other as Father Time mediated the discussion.  In this production, travel was seen as an integral aspect of human history.  Some characters travelled for pleasure, some travelled to escape famine, some travelled to make a better life in a new country and some were invaded by travellers.  Although the show was a success for adults, the rather macabre "Brady Bunch" format tended to scare children.

Secondly, the 1986 Academy Award nominated film "Rainbow War" tackled a serious theme in an amusing way.   This film taught how prejudice and ignorance can be overcome through communication and understanding.