Expo Centre

By day, the mirror-like, steel exterior reflected the waters of False Creek.  At night, the sphere sparkled with 131 exterior strobe lights.   A 500 seat OMNI/IMAX theatre was at the heart of Expo Centre.  At the time, the theatre was the first of its kind in Canada and the largest in the world.  Filmed over nine months, "Freedom to Move," was a collage of moments in transportation history from a walk on an ancient Roman road to the flight of a U.S. Space shuttle.

The Futures theatre housed the first interactive audio-visual presentation in Canada.  By pressing buttons on the armrest, visitors could vote on questions of the future asked by a computerized film screen.  Results were instantly tabulated and shown on screen to inform the audience of the future choices they have made.

From wind-powered vehicles to holography and space gear, Design2000 was a walk-through display of futuristic technology.

As a legacy structure, Expo Centre still stands as the home of Science World.