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Name/Handle :   PATTI
Country or city :   SAN JOSE, CA USA
Email (optional) :   THECATPERSON1@PRODIGY.NET
Name/Handle :   DW
Country or city :   Vancouver, BC, Earth
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Comments, memories and Questions :   Pretty intense site...stumbled upon it by accident, but I was blown away. It's definitely a trip back through the old memory to recall some of the experiences, as I was only 5 at the time. Still, Expo was etched into my memory permanently, I recall ufo h2
Name/Handle :   Garebear/Gary
Country or city :   Calgary, Canada
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Comments, memories and Questions :   For some reason the last few days I have had the UFO and couldn't remember the last part in my head! Then I find this site and it's UFO H20 I remember now. Expo happened when I was in high school Whitney Houston still hadn't come out with I Wanna Dance Wi
Name/Handle :   Chris
Country or city :   Vancouver
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Comments, memories and Questions :   I loved Expo when I was only 6 years old, and I'm hoping we get something similar, when the OLYMPICS comes to Vancouver in 2010!
Name/Handle :   Dave
Country or city :   BC, Canada
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Comments, memories and Questions :   Very cool site. I was at Expo at least once a week for the entire run, and remember it well.
Name/Handle :   Todd
Country or city :   Bellingham, WA
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Comments, memories and Questions :   I visited Expo '86 six times that summer. What a very special time. Thanks Vancouver! You did a great job!
Name/Handle :   Justin
Country or city :   Burnaby
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Comments, memories and Questions :   Its has been quite a while for me. In fact the only thing I remember is my mom pushing my sister in her buggy with what is now science world in the back ground. I was only 6 years old and wish I could remember more. The one other thing I do remember was i
Name/Handle :   justin
Country or city :   burnaby
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Comments, memories and Questions :   it was sunny!!!
Name/Handle :   Steve Rowin
Country or city :   San Diego ,CA
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Comments, memories and Questions :   I was 12 at the time.. I just remember walking from the main gate to the floating McDonalds the first day we went to the Expo.
Name/Handle :   Tiny Tina
Country or city :   Hayward, CA
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Comments, memories and Questions :   I enjoyed that Fair very much. All that red and gold at the Chinese pavilion was awesome! We are looking forward to the Olympics in 2012 here in the Bay Area. Wish us luck!
Name/Handle :   Lisa
Country or city :   Spokane WA
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Comments, memories and Questions :   Thanks for the memories. I was 27 when I went with my girlfriends. I especially enjoyed collecting exhibit stamps for my "passport" book! What fun!
Name/Handle :   DnT
Country or city :   Vancouver
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Comments, memories and Questions :   Memories, I just came across an old VHS I have. about 2 hours of stuff I taped off of TV at the time EXPO86 was happenning. If anyone is interested in having mpgs of this as a memory or for whatever reason, e-mail us. Just now documenting what is on this
Name/Handle :   Alex
Country or city :   Vancouver, Canada (Langley)
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Comments, memories and Questions :   Unfortunately I was only 2 at the time, but my parents remember it fondly, nightly fun at the beer garden, drinking water with Ice from the Arctic at the NW Territories pavilion, watching the Soviets and Americans try to outdo each other with their pavili
Name/Handle :   Peter
Country or city :   Vancouver BC
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Comments, memories and Questions :   What a great site, it brings back so many fond memories. I was just 15 years old when the fair started & I got a job working inside Expo at one of the McDonalds. I remembered back then to savour every minute of this once in a lifetime experience & because
Name/Handle :   postie189
Country or city :   Vancouver
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Comments, memories and Questions :   best time I had was working with the gang from the Ontario Place McDonalds.It was a blast
Name/Handle :   steve crumley
Country or city :   regina sask
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Comments, memories and Questions :   I was 7 years old at the time, I don't remember to much, although I remember my dad doing a underwater scuba diving show, I had a good time.
Name/Handle :   Clint
Country or city :   Vancouver, Canada
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Comments, memories and Questions :   Love the site.. im was looking for pics to bring me back down memory lane.. your site is EXACTLY what i was looking for. I was 11 years old when Expo took place and there's a lot I didn't want to see back then that I do want to see now. Your site's fantas
Name/Handle :   dave
Country or city :   vancouver
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Comments, memories and Questions :   What an awesome site! I was in elementary school when Expo 86 took place and this brought back many great memories.
Name/Handle :   Chris
Country or city :   United States
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Comments, memories and Questions :   I am from Arizona and I chose to go to Canada and the Expo over my Senior trip to Hawaii. It is a choice that I have never regretted to this day. I love telling my friends that I got to go to a World Exposition. Oh, by the way great site ! :)
Name/Handle :   Janine
Country or city :   Canada
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Comments, memories and Questions :   Expo 86 was one of the last holidays I went on with my dad after my parents divorced. Your site brought back alot of great memories. Thanks
Name/Handle :   tony
Country or city :   U.K.
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Comments, memories and Questions :   ok, so it's taken 16 years to find a way of saying had a wonderful time in canada, thankyou. lost camera though. anyone got any images of british army band that performed there?
Name/Handle :   Christine
Country or city :   Vancouver
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Comments, memories and Questions :   Wonderful site! I was only 10 at the time... ALL our relatives from out of town came to enjoy Expo 86 with us. It was so much fun! Thanks for bringing back the memories.
Name/Handle :   Alisa
Country or city :   San Francisco
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Comments, memories and Questions :   I was one of the hosts at the Japan Pavilion and it was a truly wonderful experience meeting people from all around the world. Also, developing a comraderie with other pavilion hosts was equally rewarding. I miss those days - Vancouver had an energy to it
Name/Handle :   Michael Roemen
Country or city :   Originally from Eugene, Oregon, but now living in Japan
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Comments, memories and Questions :   Dear Scruff, I really enjoyed your website. I am teaching English here in Japan, and I'm considering a unit on World Expos, so I found my way to your fantastic site! In fact, Expo 86 was the only Expo I went to. I remember attending Expo 86 with my
Name/Handle :   Matt
Country or city :   USA
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Comments, memories and Questions :   Thanks for your site. Lots of memories of 86 and your town. I got busted for underage drinking at the nations pavilion.
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